Professional Business Solution Provider (86)13923310183

Representative Office

A representative office is an office established by a company to conduct marketing and other non-transactional operations, generally in a foreign country where a branch office or subsidiary is not warranted. Representative offices are generally easier to establish than a branch or subsidiary, as they are not used for actual "business" (e.g. sales) and therefore there is less incentive for them to be regulated.

Scope of Spplication

It can handle market research, sourcing, project investigation, quality control for parent company, liaison with customers and suppliers


Quicker registration process (usually within one month or so) .Less paperwork required for application (compared to wholly foreign owned enterprises)

Work Permit

Apply for work permit and residence permit.


No paid capital required, government and service fees are usually lower than what is needed for WFOEs.

Registration Process
See How Our Solutions Make Business Easy
Why choose us?
BestEastern consulting,let professionals do professional things
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    Regular institution

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    Numerous cases

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    Chinese and English Consultants

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    Strict confidentiality system

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    Regional advantages

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    Professional Program Assessment

  • online

    Professional Foreign Investment and Visa Agency Service Platform in China

    We have a group of professionals who have been engaged in foreign business services for many years. We have got the latest policy developments in China for the first time, and provided all-round services for foreigners to invest in China and apply for visas.

After company registration,you can
Provide a full range of business services